Intolerable Cruelty (2003)/The Big Lebowski (1998)

You know how sometimes politicians will release bad news ahead of the weekend, hoping no one notices?  That’s this podcast.

We have a bit of a lull in the production schedule before The Last Jedi (nerd alert) next week, so to fill your earbuds with content, I’m releasing a lost podcast from the vault: two of the Coen Brothers’ comedies, Intolerable Cruelty and The Big Lebowski.

Not a lot of in-depth analysis, but much bourbon-fueled mirth to be found. But do check out the article referenced in the podcast on the Theology of the Bawdy.

It also contains what may be the best, “Did His Wife Like It?”  of all time.

Enjoy the show (with a forgiving ear)!


As always, intro and outro music is Wastecnology by Jahzzar, Betterwithmusic, CC BY-SA. Pic by Gorgalore (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons.

Catholic Movie Guy Episode 5 – Inside Llewyn Davis

Number 5 is alive!

In this episode, TheTimMan and I take the stage to discuss Inside Llewyn Davis.  The 2013 Coen brothers’ film is superficially about the folk music scene in Greenwich Village in 1961, but really about the struggle between following our own desires or the paths laid before our feet.  Critically acclaimed, with a wonderful performance by Oscar Isaac (pictured above).  Lots of grist for the Catholic mill, too.

Could the Coen brothers have made a genuinely pro-life movie, or are we riffing too much?  Is the cat Llewyn (it is)?  Did my wife like it?  We also touch on the Dante connection,  the genius of Bob Dylan, and various other enlightening themes in the movie.  TheTimMan even gave up his gallbladder to get this thing done, so enjoy!


As always, intro and outro music is Wastecnology by Jahzzar ( CC BY-SA.

Above photo by Christopher William Adach from London, UK (WP – random_-4) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons