Jerry Maguire

Continuing two themes from last week’s episode – what did Tim happen to watch and sports movies – we tackle (SEE WHAT I DID THERE) the 1996 Cameron Crowe film Jerry Maguire.

Starring Tom Cruise and Renee Zellweger, with an Academy Award-winning supporting performance from Cuba Gooding, Jr., we use this flawed but engaging movie as a springboard to discuss the inner workings of grace and the true meaning of marriage (seriously), amidst the normal frivolous banter.



As always, intro and outro music is Wastecnology by Jahzzar Betterwithmusic, CC BY-SA.  Photo by Linda D. Kozaryn (American Forces Press Service)  [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Author: catholicmovieguy

A Catholic guy who likes movies.

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