Catholic Movie Guy Podcast Episode 4 – Hacksaw Ridge and Top 5 War Films

Hacksaw Ridge
Hacksaw Ridge

Episode 4 – back for…war?  On the eve of the end of America’s long national nightmare, and possibly the dawn of World War III, this week’s podcast is topical.  I review the new Mel Gibson movie Hacksaw Ridge, the real story of medal of honor recipient Desmond Doss.  A movie that lionizes its subject and delivers just enough (but not too much) schmaltz, I found it to surpass my expectations bigly (big league?).  TheTimMan then joins me to discuss our 5 favorite war films of all time, and hilarity ensues.


As always, intro and outro music is Wastecnology by Jahzzar ( CC BY-SA.

Above photo by Okinawa Steve (Flickr: Urasoe Tunnel Exit) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Author: catholicmovieguy

A Catholic guy who likes movies.