Episode 7 – What’s on Netflix – Burn After Reading

Episode 7 – a slice of heaven (decidedly not)!

On this one, TheTimMan and I have no idea what to focus on, so we decide to discuss what’s on Netflix.  Fortunately, since we have genetic similarities, we discover that we both recently watched Burn After Reading.  A 2008 Coen Brothers’ film (notice a theme on this podcast?), it is a bawdy (article on bawdiness from a Catholic perspective, referenced on the podcast, at Crisis Magazine) but well-done riff on spy flicks and human vainglory.  Content not for everyone (see Kids In Mind  description and Steven Greydanus review at Decent Films).

But even if you don’t feel comfortable watching it, won’t you download and even listen to our bourbon-fueled meanderings?

Next week we tackle the best Christmas movies, whether the Brewmaster General likes it or not.


As always, intro and outro music is Wastecnology by Jahzzar (betterwithmusic.com) CC BY-SA.

Photo by Andreas Tai (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons.

Catholic Movie Guy Episode 6 – Arrival; Walking Movies

Get your fix with Episode 6!

On the Thanksgiving week edition of the Catholic Movie Guy Podcast, we have a melange.  First, I give a brief, spoiler-free review of the new movie Arrival, a sci-fi mind-bender with a great performance by Amy Adams.  Then TheTimMan comes by to discuss two “walking” movies:  The Way, starring Martin Sheen, and A Walk in the Woods, starring Robert Redford and Nick Nolte.

We address all the important questions on this one.  Can a linguist save the world?  Why won’t the Brewmaster General come on the podcast?  Could Nick Nolte really hike the Appalachian Trail with the Hippy Shakes?  What is the proper ash distribution to make along the Camino de Santiago?  Did my wife like any of these movies?  Brilliant, all the way around.

Happy Thanksgiving!


As always, intro and outro music is Wastecnology by Jahzzar (betterwithmusic.com) CC BY-SA.

Above image by Nieuw~commonswiki CC BY-SA via Wikimedia Commons.

Catholic Movie Guy Episode 5 – Inside Llewyn Davis

Number 5 is alive!

In this episode, TheTimMan and I take the stage to discuss Inside Llewyn Davis.  The 2013 Coen brothers’ film is superficially about the folk music scene in Greenwich Village in 1961, but really about the struggle between following our own desires or the paths laid before our feet.  Critically acclaimed, with a wonderful performance by Oscar Isaac (pictured above).  Lots of grist for the Catholic mill, too.

Could the Coen brothers have made a genuinely pro-life movie, or are we riffing too much?  Is the cat Llewyn (it is)?  Did my wife like it?  We also touch on the Dante connection,  the genius of Bob Dylan, and various other enlightening themes in the movie.  TheTimMan even gave up his gallbladder to get this thing done, so enjoy!


As always, intro and outro music is Wastecnology by Jahzzar (betterwithmusic.com) CC BY-SA.

Above photo by Christopher William Adach from London, UK (WP – random_-4) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

Catholic Movie Guy Podcast Episode 4 – Hacksaw Ridge and Top 5 War Films

Hacksaw Ridge
Hacksaw Ridge

Episode 4 – back for…war?  On the eve of the end of America’s long national nightmare, and possibly the dawn of World War III, this week’s podcast is topical.  I review the new Mel Gibson movie Hacksaw Ridge, the real story of medal of honor recipient Desmond Doss.  A movie that lionizes its subject and delivers just enough (but not too much) schmaltz, I found it to surpass my expectations bigly (big league?).  TheTimMan then joins me to discuss our 5 favorite war films of all time, and hilarity ensues.


As always, intro and outro music is Wastecnology by Jahzzar (betterwithmusic.com) CC BY-SA.

Above photo by Okinawa Steve (Flickr: Urasoe Tunnel Exit) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons